Temple of our Mind
Welcome to the 7th month... We are starting a new series- 'Purposed Learning for Purposed Living'... Each month we will focus on a topic to help us holistically better ourselves. Each week we will intently study the Word of God on a particular area of that topic. Daily inspirations will be scriptures related to that topic...
Are you ready????...LET'S DO IT
Romans 12:2 KJV
As it is written, “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God”.
(Google definition)
The mind is located within the brain. The brain is the physical place. The mind is the manifestations of thought, perception, emotion, determination, memory, and imagination that takes place within the brain. Mind is often used to refer especially to the thought processes of reason.
The health of our brain is important because it is the house or temple of our mind/ our thoughts/ our drive...How do we keep it healthy? By keeping it active, by feeding it correctly, by exercising it daily, by providing it with proper rest.
Our brain is the command center. Our mind transmits the commands to the rest of our bodies...... let's have healthy brains for transformation....
Purposed Learning for Purposed Living - in all aspects of our lives...❤️